Tuesday 15 September 2015

Here is our last newsletter before we go to Wellington!!

Year 7-8 Wellington Trip Final Reminders

Hello Parents and Caregivers
Well this is it!!  This time next week we will be in Wellington.  A huge thank you to all families for helping out with the fundraising…which is near $15000 (including family camp fees)!!  Fantastic!!!
Adults Accompanying the Party - Tanya Snackers, Gordon Baird, Sandy Warnes, Ted Oakly, Kylie Matthewson
Transport To/From Picton – Monday 21st September in a Wadsworth Bus (9:30am from School) –Friday 25th September(8.30pm ‘ish’)
We plan to arrive back at school on Friday evening at approximately 8.30pm for parents to pick up children.  If we are going to be later, we will ring or text.
It was a great to see so many of you at the camp meeting.  A few things to think about from that meeting are:
*Please pack your child’s sense of humour
*Packed Lunch(in container to be used during week) and Drink bottle filled (water is best) for the Monday and rest of week.
*$30 pocket money will be provided for each child. No more money is required as discussed at the camp meeting.  This $30 will include money for dinner at the mall on Thursday night.       *2 bags is best - 1 overnight bag that fits a sleeping bag in and 1 back pack for day trips(less is best, children will be carrying these bags to buses etc).  We have name tags for them.
*Comfortable walking shoes a must as 'walking' will be our transport! We average 3000 daily steps!
*Children can take a cellphone (optional).
*Children can take ipod, camera etc. -however it will be their responsibility.
*Ice cream container of food /baking- please label if it has peanuts.  This will be used as morning /afternoon teas, part of lunch and supper.                                                             
*Bring a book and/or a pack of cards-no bulky games.                                                        
*Follow what we are up to on our blog:

Thanks Tanya and Gordon

Tanya Cellphone ph 02102939192

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